Canadian Medical Student's Success Story - Shamim Shakeel Khan MD
Canadian Medical Student Success Stories - Shamim Shakeel Khan M.D. Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan, MD now practicing in Bolton, ON, Canada took the time to discuss her experience at UMHS, her clinical rotations, the professors, and how she was able to return to Canada and practice as a family medicine physician. Scott Harrah, MA, Director of Digital Content at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences recently had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan about her success as a family medicine physician in Bolton, Ontario. Here is the transcript of that video I'm Scott Harrah, Director of Digital Content at UMHS in our New York North American Administrative Office. And as part of our UMHS Alumni Achievers series, we are speaking today with Canadian UMHS grad, Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan. Dr. Khan is a family medicine physician practicing at Dayspring Medical Centre in Bolton, Ontario, just outside of Toronto. After completing her undergrad at the University of Toronto—Mississauga and graduating from UMHS, she completed her family medicine residency at Northeast Iowa Family Practice in Waterloo, Iowa, and then returned to Canada to work for a year at Cira Health Solutions in Mississauga, Ontario in the greater Toronto area. And we're here today to learn more about how UMHS helped her on her journey to becoming a doctor and returning to Canada to practice. Dr. Khan, what about your medical education at UMHS helped you get you where you are today? Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan Yeah. So there was a lot of aspects of my education that helped me get where I am. First, starting off on the island. So completing the basic sciences was really key, because really you can't get anywhere unless you complete the USMLE as well. And so, they kind of taught me how to study. I learned how to understand what was needed to pass those exams and what they were looking for and what the style of questioning was so that I'd be well prepared for the USMLE. Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan Then, when I was doing rotations, it was great to see several different hospitals across the US and Canada, because it gave me insight and experience, and then, in particular, I did a family medicine rotation in Ontario. So that kind of helped me realize that this is really where I want to be and what I want to do. I also specifically found that I learned a lot doing internal medicine and emergency room rotations, because they were very hands on. So they let me learn how to do things. So I've learned how to do suturing, I could do IV insertions, Foley catheter insertions, and EKG. So all the basic things that a doctor really needs to know in order to practice. Scott Harrah: Okay. And what are some of the key things that stand out about UMHS that you still remember, things that set UMHS apart from other medical schools? Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan Yeah. I found UMHS to be very helpful to its students during basic sciences. So most of the professors there are just there to teach. So they're always available to you if you're having trouble with any of your courses, you could go ahead and go to their office, talk to them, ask them questions. There were also the teaching assistants that were very useful. So I found that very helpful. Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan I also liked our school campus a lot. There was just no shortage of space, right? So we had the areas in the library to study. There were study rooms that you could sign out of. There were even beds, the hospital beds for practicing exams. There was just no shortage of space for studying and it was very useful. I also enjoyed the sense of community amongst all the students. So I found that even if we weren't just studying together outside of school, we would spend time together on St. Kitts and we would explore, go to the beaches, have dinners and just explore the island and it was really, really a great experience. Dr. Shamim Shakeel Khan I also found it pretty easy to obtain rotations that were outside the regularly available rotations through UMHS. So for example, the family medicine rotation that I did do in Ontario was through the University of Toronto's lottery system. And once I was able to obtain that rotation on my own, it was easily added to my schedule and I was able to integrate that into my rotations. - TimeStamps - 00:00 Start 01:25 How UMHS helped 02:47 Advantages of UMHS 03:51 Obtaining clinical rotations Please check out our medical school overview page here: Please watch our playlist about Canadian Med Students and their success at UMHS on our playlist here: Subscribe for updates:
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